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Taiwan purchasing agent service 台灣代購

Updated: Jun 27

Taiwan Purchasing Agent service l

DeerMart Taiwan purchasing agent service, Purchase any Taiwanese online products, food, clothes, collectible toys, daily necessities, and order customized products.

Service charge:

*(Purchase amount + Taiwan local shipping charge) + 12%

*ExChange rate: MasterCard Official Currency Calculator Website.

*Postage optional pay if choose express delivery

*Full payment before buy. If delivery by Taiwan Post Office, we will make Quo.

Pay postage before shipping.

*Minimum service charge HKD25

Please Email or WhatsApp for enquiries:

W: +886 0983 342277


TWD1000(Purchase amount) + TWD60( Taiwan local shipping )= TWD1060

Amount : TWD1060 x 112% = TWD 1187

= HKD 296

Taiwan purchasing agent

1 Taiwan Dollar = 0.2498403 Hong Kong Dollar

Your transaction amount of 1,187.00 TWD = 296.56 HKD in your card currency

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